Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Marvin the Mage!

Marvin the Mage!

Lets be honest: there were times when the only reason to read Dragon was for its comics. During the time that I regularly read the magazine, "comics" mostly meant Dave Trampiers transcendent Wormy, though I cant deny that I often enjoyed Whats New with Phil & Dixie by Phil Foglio. And while it was long gone by the time I came on the scene, I knew of (and greatly enjoyed) J.D. Websters Finieous Fingers thanks to a compilation TSR published sometime in the early 80s. What all these comics taught me was that our hobby is a funny one -- not just "funny strange" but "funny ha-ha." This was an important lesson, since then, as now, I tend toward the overly serious. Seeing a dragon playing snooker or a wizard wearing Foster Grants was a valuable reminder that its just a game.

Which brings me to Marvin the Mage!, Jim Wamplers web comic about a Chaotic Neutral wizard whod rather use his magic to help him cheat at cards than to explore dungeons, much to the chagrin of his comrade Tarrin the elven thief. Its a fun comic that mixes satire about the hobby with the kind of in-game antisocial behavior that longtime gamers will immediately recognize. Ive certainly been enjoying it and I suspect many of my readers will, too. Give it a look when you have the chance!

go to link download