Sunday, December 31, 2017

Dice Camera Action Tomb of Annihilation Episode 63

Dice Camera Action Tomb of Annihilation Episode 63

Episode 63: Bad Dates
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  • Read up on the backstories of the Waffle Crew

Last week I was a bit confused when the person stumbled up to the group and gave them a mysterious warning. This is actually right out of the book. That was a priest of Savras, unless Chris switches it up for the show.

The Waffle Crew

(Anna) Evelyn - Human Paladin of Lathander
(ProJared) Diath - Human Rogue
(Nathan) Paultin - Human Bard
(Holly) Strix - Tiefling Sorcerer

Last time, the group used a ritual to summon three hags. The hags would show up over the course of three nights. On the first night, a hag rode them, spit in their mouths, and gave them horrible nightmares.

The next  morning, they awake. They are in an inn. Strix wants to use the kitchen to bake some stuff. She is allowed to do so, and she bakes three sinda berry pies. She takes hair from herself, Paultin and Diath, hoping the hags will just take the pies and leave.

The group buys supplies, including wine and insect repellent. Paultin wants a collar that lets him talk to dinosaurs, but he is informed that those do not exist.

In the streets of Port Nyanzaru, Simon is playing with a monkey. It seems to be leading him somewhere.

It leads Paultin and Simon into an alley. Ambush! Someone on the roof aims a crossbow at him. Paultin summons a waffle hut, creating a safe space for himself. Diath runs over the hut, vaults onto the roof and attacks the would-be assassin.

Theres 2 assassins, each on a separate building. The female attacker shoots a poisoned bolt into him, but he makes his save vs. poison.

Diath is poisoned a moment later and he gains one level of exhaustion.. then another. Thats bad.

Evelyn shows up and declares that theres nothing to see here, like Robocop. She proceeds to roll a 1 on the check to do this convincingly. The street erupts into chaos. A cart of snakes tips over. A guy explodes spontaneously. People panic and flee.

Paultin shuts off the hut and dimension doors to the roof. I tell you what, Nate is in the zone today. He tries to convince an attacker to stand down, but he is ignored.

Diath is now at level 4 exhaustion. Wait.. now its level 5!! He has disadvantage on everything and his speed is zero! One more fail and he is dead, and I mean DEAD. The death curse prevents him from being raised!

Evelyn sees that Waffles has a basket stuck on her head. More assassins are climbing the walls up to the roof.

Seeing that Diath is in peril, Strix teleports in front of Diath to protect him. She tries to polymorph an assassin but they make their save.

Evelyn flies over and gives him Diath a lay on hands. She describes it like shes using a defibrillator: a "clear!", which is absolutely tremendous and how it should always be described. This cures the poison and gives him 20 hit points. The exhaustion is gone. Whew...

Diath stabs an assassin with Gutter. The assassin is bloodied. She sends a flying snake into the air and then she hits Strix twice, giving her 2 levels of exhaustion.

Diath has a bolt stuck in his back. He flexes and pops it out, which cracks me up.

Strix drops a level 5 fireball. A bunch of assassins are doing fancy scimitar moves and they die. Theres 2 assassins left. One on this roof, the other on another roof fighting Strixs broom.

Paultin again tells the female assassin to stand down. He has advantage. 18! Hes successful.

Wait.. a giant ice hand strikes her. Artus Cimber!

On the other roof, an assassin has been fighting Strixs broom. The assassin flees and the broom angrily shakes its non-existent fist. You get the feeling that this isnt over, not by a long shot.

The group spots an assassin on the ground holding Simon hostage. He has a hand over Simons mouth.

This villain is a halfling wearing a black turban and a black veil, and he is riding a blue-painted velociraptor. He has a monkey on his shoulder. Its wearing a fez.

The halfling wants to make an exchange. Simon for the ring of winter. He asks to talk to somebody else and Jared dies laughing. "Are your parents home?"

Diath spots Artus up on a minaret 120 feet away. He signals for Artus to meet him halfway. Artus flies on his ice vulture and meets Diath on a roof.

Artus says they are the Zhentarim.

I had some technical difficulties and missed a bit of this.

The bad guys are gone

Artus says the Zhentarim will be back. He doesnt want to put them in danger. Artus is going to go into hiding, and he will introduce them to a friend of his who can guide them. Dragonbait?

Diath tells the group they did a good job.

That night, they meet a dinosaur man. Dragonbait! He smells like cooked ham. Now he smells like lemon.

That night, the hags return and its gross. Fiaths hag has a bag on her head. The bag has a little hole in it. A chicken head pokes its head out for a moment and then retreats into the bag. Then a snake does the same.

The hags stuff sacks into the mouths of the heroes. The way Chris describes the bags, they sound like soul bags, which hags use to carry around evil souls.

They have so far ignored the pie.Thats where we stop.


Very, very good show. It was mostly one big combat, but everyone was in such a good mood today that it was a ton of fun to watch. Nate in particular was great in every way. I have no idea whats going on with the hags and the bags. I guess we will find out next week!

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